The Plus Size Tummy Tuck® Procedure
A tummy tuck involves making an incision from the hip bone to the hip bone, very low over the pubic bone. This is so that the resulting scar can be hidden under a bathing suit or underwear. In some Plus Size Tummy Tuck® surgeries, an incision is also made vertically from the navel. Dr. Repta will discuss where he plans to place the incisions prior to surgery.
As a board-certified cosmetic surgeon, his goal is to create an aesthetic result. Incision placement is a big part of any surgical plan, as there will always be a scar after an incision.

This patient is shown here as an early postoperative photo at one month following Dr. Repta's Plus Size Tummy Tuck® procedure, as well as a breast lift. In addition to having children, the patient also had prior abdominal surgery, resulting in a vertical scar in her upper and lower abdomen. The patient desired to improve the shape and appearance of her abdomen, waist, and breasts. We elected to perform a plus size, fleur-de-lis tummy tuck to allow the removal of the vertical scars on her abdomen as well as additionally narrow the abdomen.

Shown here is one of Dr. Repta's Plus Size Tummy Tuck® patients. The patient did lose an appreciable amount of weight prior, so there was the need to remove the skin as well as perform additional liposuction and tissue removal around her waist. As can be seen, the plus size fleur-de-lis tummy tuck allowed the patient to have maximum waist narrowing and flattening. Muscle repair was performed, as is frequently the case, since it strengthens the core and narrows the waist further. Liposuction of the side of the abdomen, as well as the center of the abdomen, was performed.

Here is one of our patients that had a hernia repair and abdominal reconstruction, as well as a tummy tuck, all performed at the same time. She is shown here, four months after surgery, with an improved shape and appearance of her abdomen. The patient desired to improve the strength of her core as well as repair the hernia present. We removed her prior scar tissue and repaired the hernia without using mesh (just her own tissue). Liposuction of the abdomen and waist was also performed. Liposuction is always included in all of Dr. Repta's tummy tuck procedures.

The patient desired to improve the appearance of her waist and remove the heavy overhang of tissue over her pubic area. She is pictured here, six months after Dr. Repta's Plus Size Tummy Tuck® procedure. During her surgery, skin and fat were removed, and her abdominal muscles were tightened. Significant improvement was achieved by making the abdomen smaller, flatter, and tighter. Additional narrowing of the waist can be achieved, and the patient could have elected to do so by also undergoing a vertical incision on the abdomen called a fleur-de-lis tummy tuck.

In addition to improving the shape and appearance of her waist and breasts, this patient also desired to strengthen her abdominal core caused by loose abdominal muscles secondary to pregnancy. She is only two months out from Dr. Repta's Plus Size Tummy Tuck® procedure. At only two months out, her incisions are still red, but this will continue to fade. The patient also had a breast lift without implants done at the same time. The vertical incision above and below the belly button was elected by the patient as part of a fleur-de-lis tummy tuck to maximize waist narrowing.

This patient is actually in her early seventies. She had had several children and, proving that it's never too late, decided to finally do something about the bothersome loose skin that resulted from her pregnancies. She is shown here three months following her tummy tuck with a well-positioned incision and improved shape.

Liposuction is an integral part of most, if not all, tummy tuck procedures, and this patient is a great example of how much liposuction can improve the appearance of the abdomen and waist. This patient is in her early sixties and decided to undergo a tummy tuck to remove the extra loose skin, tighten the abdominal muscles, and narrow her waist. She is shown here four months after her tummy tuck procedure.

The only way to significantly and permanently remove loose skin and stretch marks is through surgery. This is why a tummy tuck is needed to treat loose abdominal skin. This patient had several pregnancies that resulted in loose abdominal skin and stretch marks. A tummy tuck was performed to treat the loose skin. While muscle tightening and liposuction were also done, most of the result that is shown here is secondary to the skin that was removed.

The ideal tummy tuck patient has stretch marks below the belly button only so that the skin removal that is done with a tummy tuck allows for the full removal of all stretch marks. This patient had twins and subsequently developed stretch marks throughout the abdomen, both above and below the belly button. Although not all of the stretch marks have been removed, the shape and overall appearance of the abdomen were still improved.

This patient is shown here at three months following a full tummy tuck. In addition to skin removal, the abdominal muscles were tightened, and liposuction of the abdomen and waist was also performed. The patient also had a breast augmentation and a breast lift performed at the same time. The combination of these procedures together is often known as a mommy makeover.

This is another excellent example of how a patient can benefit from Dr. Repta's Plus Size Tummy Tuck. This patient was told by other surgeons to lose weight before getting a tummy tuck. The reality is that the patient liked the way the rest of her body looked and simply wanted to improve the appearance of her waist. Dr. Repta's Plus Size Tummy Tuck® helped to narrow and flatten the waist, remove the overhang, and rejuvenate the appearance of her belly button.