Many individuals find attaining a flat abdomen to be an ongoing challenge. While diet and exercise can make some improvements, those seeking to restore their pre-childbirth physique often require additional assistance.
Liposuction with tummy tuck
Patients with skin laxity, stretched muscles, and excess fat in the abdomen will benefit from a combination tummy tuck with a liposuction procedure. This can safely be done in one surgery in most cases. This procedure is the most involved, but planned well, it does save recovery time. Patients with excess fat in the flanks and back are good candidates for a combined procedure. Deciding on liposuction vs tummy tuck isn’t necessary, as the best procedure will become obvious once Dr. Repta examines you to determine your skin elasticity, muscle laxity (if any), and the amount of excess fat to be removed. If you are pondering the question, make an appointment with Dr. Repta to discuss your goals and to get his recommendation on the best way to achieve them.