Dear Anonymous,
There are a handful of possible sources of the “bulging” that you describe. A pseudobursa is one possible source. If a pseudobursa is present its removal will take care of the bulging. Removal of a pseudobursa above the belly button will require a full tummy tuck revision. During the tummy tuck revision any additional sources of upper abdominal bulging such as abdominal wall laxity can also be corrected. At two months I would continue to wear your abdominal binder and await further healing.
Dr. Repta,
My Tummy Tuck was a year and a half ago. I began to have upper abdominal buldging shortly after surgery that has never gone away. It gets worse as the day goes on. It looks like I have a tire around my upper belly, it’s completely embarassing and uncomfortable. Below my belly button is flat, but then where my incision is, my belly goes from flat to concave.
2 months ago, my PS did liposuction on the upper part of my belly. It looked great for about 2 weeks, now it’s back to the upper abdominal bulding.
I can feel a hard lump right above my belly button, this started after the lipo procedure.
Is it possible that the bulding issue could be a pseudobura? Or is the upper abdominal bulding going to be there forever…